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Saturday, May 25, 2024


We have had an absolutely fantastic year with your children!  It is so hard to say goodbye, but fortunately for us, we can say hi to them everyday in the hall as they pass us going to fourth grade.  We wish you all the best. Have a wonderful summer!


Thank You!

Thank you so much for all of your support this school year.  We could not do it without the support of each and every family.  We are so thankful for all the gifts and love you have showered us with this year.


Summer Tutoring

If you are interested in tutoring over the summer, please email the following teachers for more information about availability and pricing:

Cindy Newman: Literacy and Math     [email protected]

Kari Strobel: Literacy and Math    [email protected]

Sara Thielk: Math   [email protected]  


Summer Reading and Math

Although we are firm believers in allowing kids playtime over the summer, students can continue to read and practice math facts.  Check out the summer reading and math links below for suggested activities based on their upcoming grade level.




Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


May 24-August 18

Elementary Summer Break

August 15

Individual Student Pictures

August 15

Open House (Meet the teachers)

August 19

First Day of Elementary


Wednesday, May 15, 2024



Can you believe that the school year is almost over?! As we wrap up the year, students will be finishing up their final projects and assignments in their classes as well as bringing home their belongings from each class. On Wednesday, May 22nd, please send your student with some sort of bag to pack up all of their class materials and personal belongings.

Field Day, May 23rd

Field day is coming up on May 23rd

More information about field day can be found on the elementary PE page on the link below.

Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math:We will be finishing off the remaining lessons in Go Math and reviewing math concepts.  Thank you so much for trusting us with your children and helping them at home with all of their math facts.

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We will be taking our math final at the beginning of next week and finishing up our last few lessons for the year. We have had such an enjoyable year with your children in math class.

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: We have finished our end of year testing and the students did a wonderful job persevering through everything we threw at them. Some classes will finish out the year dabbling in astronomy while others are finishing out with the human body. We have truly enjoyed spending this year with your children and watching them grow.  

Shaw Science: All students have completed STEM and will be in science beginning Monday May 13th. We will wrap up the year with our end of year test and learning a little bit about fossils. I have had a wonderful first year at American Academy thanks to all of the students and families. It has been so much fun learning science together!

Thielk History: We have finished our learning on the Thirteen Colonies. We will have an activity about the United States and then a field trip over our Earliest American unit to finish up the school year.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have finished all of our learning this year! We will have our end of year test and the Chapter 18 test and vocabulary quiz next week before we have some fun math projects to work on for the end of the year.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


May 22

Classroom Pack-up

May 23

Field Day/Last day





Monday, April 22, 2024

End of Year Conferences

End of year conferences will be held on May 8th and 9th and will be student-led in your child’s homeroom.  Student-led conferences give your child the opportunity to reflect on all of the things they have learned this year and guide you through some of the things they are most proud of and their goals for the future.  Please use the links below to sign up with your child’s HOMEROOM teacher only.  If your child has classes with Ms. Pumphrey, you may sign up with her as well. 

Ms. Newman: Newman Conference Sign Up

Ms. Pumphrey: Pumphrey Conference Sign Up

Ms. Shaw: Shaw Conference Sign Up

Ms. Strobel: Strobel Conference Sign Up

Ms. Thielk: Thielk Conference Sign-Up



Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Dear Third Grade Families,


We don’t typically email our newsletters, however, we have a lot of important information and want to make sure that everyone gets it right away, so please make sure to read this email in its entirety.


Can you believe that we only have a little over a month of school left?  Where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday that they were walking into our classes for the first time to start their third grade year.  


Over the last few weeks, the students did an amazing job persevering through CMAS testing.  They always came to school with a smile on their faces ready to rock and showcase everything they have learned this year.  In the weeks to come, we will be doing our end of year testing, so please make sure your students are at school as much as possible. The testing dates are listed below for you to review.  


Upcoming Testing Dates

As we come to the end of the year we have lots of testing that students need to complete. Here is our schedule for the testing that is left for the school year.

Literacy: Writing Benchmark: 4/22-4/23, Dibels: 5/1-5/2 , Maze: 5/3, iReady: 4/29-5/1

Math: HMH Growth Measure 4/25-4/26, iReady: 5/2-5/6, Math Final: 5/13-5/14


In School Field Trip

Igniting Imaginations will be coming to third grade on April 29th and 30th to provide students the opportunity to experience what life was like as a child in Colonial America.  Please sign your student up to participate by midnight April 28th. 

2324 MB - Grd 3 - Igniting Imaginations


Save the Date: Upcoming Conferences

End of year conferences will be held on May 8th and 9th and will be student-led in your child’s homeroom.  Student-led conferences give your child the opportunity to reflect on all of the things they have learned this year and guide you through some of the things they are most proud of and their goals for the future.  Please save the date and return to our newsletter page on or after April 22nd to sign up for a time slot for your child. 


You may use this link to go directly to our newsletter page:

Daily Hero Points 

As we are near the end of the school year, we are working with the students to make sure that they are continuing to demonstrate our character traits and manners in school to promote a calm and respectful environment as we navigate through our end of year testing and our final units of learning. As an incentive to help students to remain focused on our character traits and manners, we have let students know that they will start each day with 16 Hero points. Then, based on behavior throughout the day, they can keep those points, lose some, or earn more based on what they are doing in class. 

After the final learning block of the day, teachers meet to discuss any students that did not keep their 16 points to make sure this was not in error and the reasons why the students may have lost points.  Those students who did not earn 16 points will meet with teachers during our afternoon incentive recess to talk through the behaviors that were seen and strategies that they can use to hopefully avoid losing points in the future.  It is our hope that students will take responsibility for their actions and make positive choices throughout each day to ensure a calm and productive learning environment for all students. 

Field Day, May 23rd

Field day is coming up on May 23rd!

Please follow the t-shirt registration link below to assure your child receives the correct t-shirt size. Shirts will still be provided for those not registered; however, there is no guarantee the appropriate size will be received. The PTO will be providing the t-shirts free of charge but a donation of $10 to help offset the cost is greatly appreciated. DEADLINE to register is Friday, April 26, 2024. 

T-shirt Registration: 2324 MB - K-5 Field Day T-Shirt Sign-up

If you wish to come watch your child participate in field day, you must be signed up to volunteer!! Please consider volunteering your time or donating materials to help make the day a huge success!

Volunteer Sign-up:

Ms. Bauer’s Amazon Wishlist:

More information about field day can be found on the Elementary PE website page.

Spring Musical

Don’t miss our Motsenbocker K-8th graders lighting up the stage in the hit Broadway musical Anastasia? Grab your tickets and get all the details at


Please follow the link below then click on STEM Newsletter to view an update from our STEM teacher, Ms. Jones.

Classroom Volunteers/Signups:

***Please make sure if you sign up and cannot make it that you let your teacher know in advance, especially with lunch bunch, since teachers rely on this for lunch on that day. 


Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.


Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math:As the school year comes to a close, we will be wrapping up fractions and measurement and then finishing out the year with representing and interpreting data.  Please make sure that your students continue to practice multiplication and division facts daily. 

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: Now that CMAS is done we will be circling back to review some concepts we covered very quickly. We will be doing more practice with multiplication, telling time, fractions and measurement. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication and division facts. Flash cards are a great way to practice. There are also many free apps for multiplication fact practice that can be downloaded onto a phone or tablet. 

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Over the next few weeks, students will be completing their end of year testing to showcase everything they have learned this year.  Additionally, we will be working on our Light and Sound unit. 

Shaw Science: We are in the final stretch with science and STEM. Students who were in science for the first half of the trimester are now in STEM with Ms. Jones. In science we have begun our unit on weather. Information will be coming home soon about Extreme Weather Reports. Students will have ample class time to complete the report, but you may see some brought home to finish up.

Thielk History: We are working on our new unit of Exploration of North America. THis unit goes by quickly, we will have an end of unit assessment and then move on to our final unit of The Thirteen Colonies. We will have two in house field trips in May one over the 13 Colonies and then one over the Earliest American unit.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have started Chapter 15: Measuring Angles. We will have our test over this unit next week. Then we will be going into Chapter 16: Customary and Metric Units. We will have one more chapter to go over and take our end of year testing.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


April 19

No School-Teacher Work Day

May 8-9


May 10

No School-Teacher Comp Day

May 23

Field Day/Last day


Friday, March 29th, 2024


Dear Third Grade Families,

We hope everyone enjoyed their spring break and had lots of fun. We loved hearing about all the things that students did over break and sharing about our two snow days as well. We are getting near the end of the year which means we have a lot of testing coming up. 


CMAS Schedule


CMAS starts next week!  This year our students are taking the CMAS assessments for Literacy on April 2-4th and Math on 9-11th.  Please ensure your child gets adequate sleep the night before these testing days and eats a nutritious breakfast before coming to school.



Also, please refrain from scheduling any appointments during the testing days to help minimize make up testing. It is important to remember that during the morning and afternoon of the testing days, our teachers will continue delivering math, literacy, history and science curriculum, as well as assign in-class activities and assignments during these weeks. While classes will be shortened on test days, teachers will still meet with all their classes and move forward with regular academic instruction. The workload will be modified on testing days, but students will still be responsible for class assignments and homework.  


Devices Not Permitted

Smartwatches are continuing to come to school. Please make sure that your student is leaving them at home or remind them that they must leave them in their backpack during school hours if they must bring them to school. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.

Classroom Volunteers/Signups:

***Please make sure if you sign up and cannot make it that you let your teacher know in advance, especially with lunch bunch, since teachers rely on this for lunch on that day. 


Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.


Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: Students have been busy working on fractions and will soon begin measurement. We still have some students struggling with their multiplication facts.  Make sure you continue to have your students practice at home. 

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We are working on telling time and fractions. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication and division facts. Flash cards are a great way to practice. There are also many free apps for multiplication fact practice that can be downloaded onto a phone or tablet. 

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Over the next few weeks, students will be learning about light and sound through literacy. Students will bring assignments home as needed if not completed in class. Additionally, spelling homework will be assigned as needed within the unit. 

Shaw Science: We have only one week left before we switch classes between science and STEM. The first day of your child’s new class will be April 8th. If they have been in science, they will now be going to STEM and vice versa. In science we are wrapping up our weather unit. Students have been working very hard on researching their extreme weather of choice and writing reports. This assignment will be due on Tuesday, April 2nd. 

Thielk History: We are finishing up our Earliest American unit this week. We will be starting our end of unit project next week and all work will be done in class. Please check with your student for a letter that went home detailing this project. The letter will also be emailed as well.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We will be starting Chapter 14: Two-Dimensional Figures. We did jump after Chapter 13 and completed Chapter 17 over time and temperature. We have been busy working on the practice sets for CMAS this week and will continue to practice them at school next week as we have one more week to prepare before the math CMAS testing.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


April 2-4

Literacy CMAS

April 9-11


April 19

No School-Teacher Work Day

May 8-9





Friday, February 23, 2024


Dear Third Grade Families,

Can you believe we have finished the second trimester already?  The end of the year will be here before we know it. Students worked really hard this week making sure that all of their work was turned in and had fun working on projects in history and science. 


Report Cards for T2

Grade reports will be available online beginning Friday, March 1.  There will be no physical/paper report cards sent home with your child, so please contact us if you are unable to access Infinite Campus.


Infinite Campus Updates

Please allow grace for teachers to get missing assignments updated in Infinite Campus.  We do the best we can to get grades and assignments updated often, but as you can imagine, we have many things that pull us away from our gradebooks throughout the day and may cause us to be delayed.  We appreciate your understanding.


Devices Not Permitted

Smartwatches are continuing to come to school. Please make sure that your student is leaving them at home or remind them that they must leave them in their backpack during school hours if they must bring them to school. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.

Classroom Volunteers/Signups: UPDATE

***Please make sure if you sign up and cannot make it that you let your teacher know in advance, especially with lunch bunch, since teachers rely on this for lunch on that day. 


Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.


Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: In the weeks to come, we will be working on time measurement and intervals as well as fractions.  We still have some students struggling with their multiplication facts.  Make sure you continue to have your students practice at home. 

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We are working on Chapters 8 and 9 Area and Perimeter. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication and division facts. Flash cards are a great way to practice. There are also many free apps for multiplication fact practice that can be downloaded onto a phone or tablet. 

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Over the next few weeks, students will be furthering their knowledge of Ancient Rome and learning note-taking strategies as well as spending time on the writing process. Spelling homework will be assigned as needed within the unit. 

Shaw Science: We have had a wonderful end of T2 with some really fun projects! Students completed research, reports, animal environment dioramas and presented them in class with a gallery walk. They really showed off their knowledge and skills and WOW, did they ever shine! Starting on Monday, Feb. 26th, half of each science class will begin going to STEM. Groups will switch mid-trimester. Those in science will begin our new unit on Weather. 

Thielk History: We have just started our next unit on the Earliest Amerricans. We will be learning a lot about the different tribes that are in America and specifically focus on ones that are in Colorado.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We are almost done with Chapter 11 and are taking the test next week and we will be in Chapter 12: Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers for a week and then move to Chapter 13: Relate Fractions and Decimals. I am so happy with how we are moving along in our book and loving the understanding the students have of these concepts.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


February 14 

Valentine’s Day Party

February 16

No School-Teacher Comp Day

February 19

No School-Presidents Day

February 21 

All Make-up work due

February 23 

End of Trimester 2


Friday, February 9, 2024


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have been busy moving along in our learning this week. We cannot believe that we are almost done with our second trimester! 

All Work due by end of Trimester

The end of our second trimester is looming!  The final day of trimester 2 is Friday, February 23. Please make sure all missing work is turned in by Wednesday, February 21. Please reach out to that subject level teacher with any questions or concerns for missing work. If you have received an email from Infinite Campus about a missing assignment, please remind your child to visit with her/his teacher to get the work.  If work is a week overdue, please understand that it will be marked as a 0 unless it was due to an absence.  Please check the AA policies if you need to further understand our Late Work and Absentee Work policy.


Report Cards for T2

Grade reports will be available online beginning Friday, March 1.  There will be no physical/paper report cards sent home with your child, so please contact us if you are unable to access Infinite Campus.

Red Folder

There has been an increase in students having ungraded work missing from their red folders.  We are often told that mom, dad, grandma, the dog :) have taken the assignment and thrown it away.  As a rule of thumb, all assignments that are graded will have some sort of identifying mark on them to indicate the teacher has seen it, like a star, checkmark, or actual grade.  Please also verify with your student that it is okay to throw away the items in their folder.  We want to make sure that your student gets proper credit for all of the hard work they are doing.


Infinite Campus Updates

Please allow grace for teachers to get missing assignments updated in Infinite Campus.  We do the best we can to get grades and assignments updated often, but as you can imagine, we have many things that pull us away from our gradebooks throughout the day and may cause us to be delayed.  We appreciate your understanding.


Devices Not Permitted

Smartwatches are continuing to come to school. Please make sure that your student is leaving them at home or remind them that they must leave them in their backpack during school hours if they must bring them to school. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.

Classroom Volunteers/Signups: UPDATE

***Please make sure if you sign up and cannot make it that you let your teacher know in advance, especially with lunch bunch, since teachers rely on this for lunch on that day. 


Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.


Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: Both classes are busy working on Area and Perimeter. We still have some students struggling with their multiplication facts.  Make sure you continue to have your students practice at home. 

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We are working on Chapter 7 Applying Multiplication and Division. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication and division facts. Flash cards are a great way to practice. There are also many free apps for multiplication fact practice that can be downloaded onto a phone or tablet. 

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Ms. Pumphrey’s class will be wrapping up the Vikings unit and moving into Ancient Rome.  Ms. Newman and Ms. Strobel have begun the Ancient Rome unit. Throughout this unit, you will see reading and spelling homework coming home.  Make sure to have your student read aloud to you and sign off on the reading homework that they did.  Just a reminder: book reports are due on Monday, February 12th.

Shaw Science: We have been so busy learning about animal adaptations and organisms in their environments. Students are currently doing research on dolphins, bears, penguins and monotremes for a short report. One of our upcoming projects will require students to bring in a shoebox (or box of similar size). I am asking that students please bring in boxes by Thursday, Feb. 15th. If you have extra, we’d love to have them. There are readers assigned in Google Classroom that may be accessed from home to help support your students with science vocabulary and content. This is a great way to see what we are learning about.

Thielk History: We will be having our Viking end of unit test next week on Thursday and the following week we will start our next unit on The Earliest Americans.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have finished Chapter 10 and will be moving into Chapter 11: Add and Subtract Fractions. I am very proud of how the students are learning to become mathematicians in class.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


February 14 

Valentine’s Day Party

February 16

No School-Teacher Comp Day

February 19

No School-Presidents Day

February 21 

All Make-up work due

February 23 

End of Trimester 2


Friday, January 26, 2024


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have had a great week of learning with our students.  This week, we will be holding conferences on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, and don’t forget that Friday is a no school day for your children. 


Red Folder

There has been an increase in students having ungraded work missing from their red folders.  We are often told that mom, dad, grandma, the dog :) have taken the assignment and thrown it away.  As a rule of thumb, all assignments that are graded will have some sort of identifying mark on them to indicate the teacher has seen it, like a star, checkmark, or actual grade.  Please also verify with your student that it is okay to throw away the items in their folder.  We want to make sure that your student gets proper credit for all of the hard work they are doing.


Infinite Campus Updates

Please allow grace for teachers to get missing assignments updated in Infinite Campus.  We do the best we can to get grades and assignments updated often, but as you can imagine, we have many things that pull us away from our gradebooks throughout the day and may cause us to be delayed.  We appreciate your understanding.


Kindness Week

Below are the exciting events we have planned for Kindness Week and the opportunities to raise money for Make-A-Wish:

Monday, 1/29:

  • Theme: Super Hero Top with uniform bottoms
  • Fundraiser: Change Wars in the classroom – students bring in bags of change to their homerooms and the classroom that has the most change (K-2, 3-5, & 6-8) will win a class party.

Tuesday, 1/30:

  • Theme: Camp Flannel Top with uniform bottoms
  • Fundraiser: Bring $1 to wear a hat.

Wednesday, 1/31:

  • Theme: Space Theme Top with uniform bottoms
  • Fundraiser: Create a wish wall – Students will purchase a star for $1 and write a wish to Luna on the star. The wishes will then be hung on a Wish Wall in the cafeteria and given to Luna to enjoy.

Thursday, 2/1:

  • Theme: Hawaiian Top with uniform bottoms
  • Fundraiser: students can purchase a Lei for $1 

Friday – Sunday, 2/2-2/4:

Week-Long Fundraisers:

  • Luna’s Donation Drop Box will be available for other donations in the front office or click the link to donate directly to the Make-A-Wish Campaign for AAMB.
  • Student Council bake sale
  • Student Council School Store (Wednesday) will sell Make-A-Wish Stickers, Tattoos, and Bracelets for $1 each. These can also be purchased throughout the week from the front office.
  • Parker Task Force Donations – Click link for list of needs

We hope that everyone will help spread kindness through our campus & community by joining us in these fundraising efforts!



Trimester 2 conferences are officially closed.  If you have any questions about the sign-ups, please email the specific subject teacher. Teachers cannot schedule times outside of January 31st and February 1st between 4:30 and 7:00. We look forward to seeing you all and discussing the wonderful things your students are learning.


Devices Not Permitted

Smartwatches are continuing to come to school. Please make sure that your student is leaving them at home or remind them that they must leave them in their backpack during school hours if they must bring them to school. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.


Newsletter Switch

For the remainder of the school year, newsletters will be uploaded to our grade page every two weeks. 


Classroom Volunteers/Signups: UPDATE

***Please make sure if you sign up and cannot make it that you let your teacher know in advance, especially with lunch bunch, since teachers rely on this for lunch on that day. 


Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.


Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: We are wrapping up Chapter 7: Apply Multiplication and Division. In the weeks to come, we will be working on Chapter 8: Relate Multiplication and Area. Many students are still struggling with memorizing their multiplication facts.  Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home and add in some division facts as well. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We will be finishing Chapter 5: Understand Division within the next week. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication and division facts. Flash cards are a great way to practice. There are also many free apps for multiplication fact practice that can be downloaded onto a phone or tablet. 

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: We are about halfway through our Vikings unit and the students have enjoyed learning about Norse Mythology and where some of their favorite Avengers characters came from, like Thor and Loki. All students should have picked out their Biography book report book, either a “Who Was” or “I am” book, and should have the information to create their Biography poster. All posters will be due on February 12th. 

Shaw Science: We have begun the fascinating work of learning about Organisms and their environments. One of our upcoming projects will require students to bring in a shoebox (or box of similar size). I am asking that students please bring in boxes by Friday, February 9th. 

Thielk History: We have started our unit on the Vikings. Next week we'll take our vocabulary quiz. We have learned about the Vikings being traders and raiders. As well as their alphabet and the society. We will be having an end of unit test over this unit. 

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have been busy learning about fraction equivalence in chapter 9. We will be taking our Chapter 9 test next week and start Chapter 10 the following week over comparing fractions.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


January 29 - February 2

Kindness Week

January 31 - February 1


February 2

No School-Cross Campus Planning

February 16

No School-Teacher Comp Day

February 19

No School-President’s Day

Friday, January 12, 2024


Dear Third Grade Families,

Wow! It has been a very busy week back from break. We have been moving on to new content learning and had such a great time on our Ancient Roman Days as well.


Newsletter Switch

We will be switching our newsletters to every other week now that we are back from break. 



Our trimester 2 conferences are coming up at the end of this month. Please choose the teacher that you feel is the most important for you to see at this time. We look forward to seeing many of you at conferences this time around. Please sign up for ONLY ONE teacher so we are able to see as many families as possible. We will be closing the sign up on Friday January 26th at 4:00 to give us time to prepare for the conferences the following week.


Ms. Newman, Ms. Shaw, Ms. Strobel, Ms. Thielk - 


Ms. Pumphrey -


Classroom Volunteers/Signups: UPDATE

***Please make sure if you sign up and cannot make it that you let your teacher know in advance, especially with lunch bunch, since teachers rely on this for lunch on that day. 


Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.


Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Devices Not Permitted

We have noticed an increase in the amount of smartwatches students are wearing. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.

Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: We have started working on Chapter 7: Apply Multiplication and Division. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home and add in some division facts as well. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We will be moving onto Chapter 5: Understand Division. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home as this will greatly help with learning division. Flash cards are a great way to practice. There are also many free apps for multiplication fact practice that can be downloaded onto a phone or tablet. 

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: We had a great first week back in literacy.  This week, we started our Vikings unit. Students will also be receiving their next book report assignment on Wednesday, January 17th, so be on the lookout for instructions coming home. 

Shaw Science: Next week we will be finishing Unit 4: Life Cycles and Inherited Traits and moving on to Unit 5: Organisms and Their Environments. 

Thielk History: We have started our end of unit project on Ancient Rome, talking about 5 architectural features that the Romans used and the importance of them back then and now. Once we are finished with our project we will be starting our next unit on the Vikings.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have been busy learning in Chapter 8 and will be taking our test next week. We will then go into Chapter 9: Fraction Equivalence. Please help your student in remembering that a fraction is part of a whole and what the numerator and denominator mean.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


January 15th, 2024

No School

January 31, 2024 - February 1, 2024


February 2, 2024

No School


Friday, December 15, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

This week has flown by!  Can you believe there are only four more school days before winter break? We have been moving along this week with all of our learning and getting things finished up before we leave for break next week.   

Holiday Party

Our holiday party is upon us.  Your room parents sent out an email with the following information:

Date:  Thursday, December 21st

Time:  11:00 am-12:30 pm

Attire:  PJs or Dress of Choice Day 

Parent Volunteers/Attendance:  Unfortunately at this time we don’t have the space or need for parents

The students will head down to the library to enjoy a performance by a Ventriloquist and Puppeteer!  Then, we will head back up for a pizza party (rather than snacks).  Later that afternoon each student will decorate their own “Ugly Holiday T-Shirt” before heading off for Winter Break.  Due to all of your contributions towards our classroom funds we have everything we need to support this amazing party!

Save the Date

When we return from break on January 12th, we will be having an Ancient Roman Day. Please be on the lookout for an email coming next week from Ms. Thielk with more details about the upcoming festivities.



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Devices Not Permitted

We have noticed an increase in the amount of smartwatches students are wearing. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.


Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: We have started working on Chapter 5: Understand Division. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home and add in some division facts as well. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We will be wrapping up Chapter 3 and moving onto Chapter 4: Multiplication with Multiples of 10 and 100. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Next week, we will finish up Unit 2.  We will be moving on to our Vikings unit in January.

Shaw Science: Students have been working hard with partners and small groups on researching the life cycles of insects and amphibians. Next week we will display and share our compare and contrast posters with our classes. I have asked each student to bring in a picture of their pet or favorite animal. I would love photos, but will also accept drawings if needed. These will be displayed in class. We have a lesson review and quiz on Monday/Tuesday.

Thielk History: We have been busy being detectives and learning all about the destruction of Pompeii from Mount Vesuvius. We will be finishing up the last bit of learning on Ancient Rome next week. While we will then do our end of unit project when we come back from break and have our Ancient Roman Day as well.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have finished up Chapter 7 and will be taking the test on Monday and doing some activities about area and perimeter before leaving for break. We will start Chapter 8 after we get back from winter break.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


December 21, 2023

Dress of Choice

December 21, 2023

Holiday Party

December 21, 2023

Talent Show

December 22, 2023 - January 8, 2024

Winter Break

January, 12th, 2024

Ancient Roman Day

Friday, December 8, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

Students have done a great job persevering through the many days of testing.  They are almost done with their middle of the year test.  Next week, students will be completing their writing benchmarks and some will be wrapping up their iReady Diagnostic.  

Holiday Party

Our holiday party is upon us.  Your room parents sent out an email with the following information:

Date:  Thursday, December 21st

Time:  11:00 am-12:30 pm

Attire:  Dress of Choice Day (We will keep you posted if there is any holiday themed)

Parent Volunteers/Attendance:  Unfortunately at this time we don’t have the space or need for parents

The students will head down to the library to enjoy a performance by a Ventriloquist and Puppeteer!  Then, we will head back up for a pizza party (rather than snacks).  Later that afternoon each student will decorate their own “Ugly Holiday T-Shirt” before heading off for Winter Break.  Due to all of your contributions towards our classroom funds we have everything we need to support this amazing party!



We have noticed a rise in the number of snacks being sent to school.  We have two snack times in third-grade. We ask that you limit your child’s snacks to one per snack time. If your student attends Homework Club, you may also want to send a snack for that. Just a reminder: please do not pack any nut containing snacks due to life threatening allergies.  This includes Nutella.  Thank you so much for your understanding.


Thursday, you should have received an email containing information about our upcoming Fun Dress Days. Make sure to follow the Dress of Choice guideline Please see below for the schedule:


Holiday Sweatshirt or Ugly Sweater/DOC

December 15th

PJs or Dress of Choice Day

December 21st

Assessment and Benchmark Dates

As mentioned above, students will be wrapping up their middle of the year testing this week. Make sure your students are well rested and have a good breakfast.

Devices Not Permitted

We have noticed an increase in the amount of smartwatches students are wearing. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.

Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

Newman/Strobel Math: We will be starting Chapter 5: Understand Division. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Pumphrey/Shaw Math: We will be wrapping up Chapter 3 and moving onto Chapter 4: Multiplication with Multiples of 10 and 100. Please make sure to continue practicing multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: We are continuing our learning of animal classification systems through informative texts.  Students will also be taking their writing benchmarks this week. This unit will have homework as needed based on the lessons. 

Shaw Science: This week we started a new exciting unit on life cycles and inherited traits. So far, we have learned about the life cycles of flowering and non-flowering plants. Next week we will begin studying animal life cycles.

Thielk History: We have taken our vocabulary quiz and we are still busy learning about Ancient Rome. We will finish learning about gladiator fights and start learning about Pompeii next week. We will also make up points to the Julius Caesar escape room and talk about how it is important to try our best on everything we do.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We are almost done with Chapter 6 and will have our vocabulary quiz and chapter test on Wednesday. We will then be talking about applying multiplication to perimeter and area. Please make sure students are still practicing multiplication and add in division facts. 


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


December 21, 2023

Holiday Party

December 21, 2023

Talent Show

December 22, 2023 - January 8, 2024

Winter Break

Friday, December 1, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have loved coming back from break and being ready to learn again in the classroom. We enjoyed hearing all the fun stories of the things your family did over the break. We have three weeks until we get another break and we are busy learning.


Assessment and Benchmark Dates

When we return from break we will be ready to take our mid-year testing. Below are the date(s) we will be doing our testing in third grade, so you can make sure your child is present for class on those days.

iReady Math - starting 11/28 may take 2 or 3 days

HMH Growth - will be done the day after finishing iReady Math testing

iReady Literacy - begin on 12/4 may take 2 or 3 days

Writing Benchmark - begin 12/11 will take two days

Dibels Testing - 12/5 to 12/7


Report Cards for T1

Grade reports will be available online beginning Friday, December 1.  There will be no physical/paper report cards sent home with your child, so please contact us if you are unable to access Infinite Campus.

Devices Not Permitted

We have noticed an increase in the amount of smartwatches students are wearing. Here is a reminder of what is and isn’t allowed. The following personal devices may not be used during AA business hours (7:30 am – 4:30 pm) without specific permission by administration or the school nurse. If students choose to bring any of these devices to school, they must remain in their backpack or locker and turned off.

  • Cell Phones (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
  • iPads or other tablets not issued by American Academy
  • Air Pods (or any Bluetooth ear buds)
  • Internet, cellular, or Bluetooth-enabled smart watches (use permitted after 3:35 pm for communication)
    • This includes Fitbit, Apple watches, Gizmos, etc.
    • When in doubt, if it can connect to internet, has touch-screen capabilities, or Bluetooth enabled it is NOT acceptable.
  • MP3 Players, iPod Touches, iPods, or other music devices
  • Any device that is used to play a non-academic game
  • Any device that connects to a cellular network.

School Talent Show

The AA Talent Show is coming up on December 21st! Auditions will be held after school on December 6th and 7th. Click the following link to sign up for auditions.

For any questions, please reach out to Ms. Bauer or Mr. Richardson.


Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

3rd Grade Math: We are working on Chapter 3: Multiplication Facts and Strategies, and we will be moving into Chapter 4: Multiplication with Multiples of 10 and 100.  Please make sure your student is practicing their multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Literacy classes have been learning about the different ways that animals are classified as well as the purpose behind why author’s write stories, books, and articles. This unit will have homework as needed based on the lessons. 

Shaw Science: This week we started a new exciting unit on life cycles and inherited traits. So far, we have learned about the life cycles of flowering and non-flowering plants. Next week we will begin studying animal life cycles.

Thielk History: We have taken our vocabulary quiz and we are still busy learning about Ancient Rome. We will finish learning about gladiator fights and start learning about Pompeii next week. We will also make up points to the Julius Caesar escape room and talk about how it is important to try our best on everything we do.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We are almost done with Chapter 6 and will have our vocabulary quiz and chapter test on Wednesday. We will then be talking about applying multiplication to perimeter and area. Please make sure students are still practicing multiplication and add in division facts. 


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk


Upcoming Events     


December 21, 2023

Holiday Party

December 21, 2023

Talent Show

December 22, 2023 - January 8, 2024

Winter Break


Friday, November 17, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

It has been a very busy week as we finished up our learning and getting work turned in for the end of the trimester. We had a blast at Skate City as well. Enjoy your family time this upcoming week and we look forward to hearing about all the fun things you and your families did.


Assessment and Benc

Friday, November 10, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

It has been a great week. Students thoroughly enjoyed our Veteran's Assembly honoring the men and women who have served our country. Next week, students will celebrate their hard work as good school heroes with their Super Bucks party on Monday during specials.


All Work due by end of Trimester

The end of our first trimester is looming!  The final day of trimester 1 is Friday, November 17. Please make sure all missing work is turned in by Wednesday, November 15. Please reach out to that subject level teacher with any questions or concerns for missing work. If you have received an email from Infinite Campus about a missing assignment, please remind your child to visit with her/his teacher to get the work.  If work is a week overdue, please understand that it will be marked as a 0 unless it was due to an absence.  Please check the AA policies if you need to further understand our Late Work and Absentee Work policy.


Report Cards for T1

Grade reports will be available online beginning Friday, December 1.  There will be no physical/paper report cards sent home with your child, so please contact us if you are unable to access Infinite Campus.


Field Trip to Skate City

We are excited to announce that third grade has an upcoming field trip on November 16th to Skate City. Students will be enhancing their learning of forces and motion through a STEM unit on motion and skate design.  Stay tuned for an email to come this week with links to sign up.

2324 MB - Ms. Strobel's Class

Strobel Hot Lunch:


2324 MB - Ms. Shaw's Class

 Shaw Hot Lunch: 


2324 MB - Ms. Thielk's Class

 Thielk Hot Lunch: 


2324 MB - Ms. Newman's Class

Newman Hot Lunch:



Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

3rd Grade Math: We are working on Chapter 3: Multiplication Facts and Strategies, and we will be moving into Chapter 4: Multiplication with Multiples of 10 and 100.  Please make sure your student is practicing their multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Literacy classes have been learning about the different ways that animals are classified as well as the purpose behind why author’s write stories, books, and articles. This unit will have homework as needed based on the lessons. 

Shaw Science: This we learned all about speed and distance. Next week we will be wrapping up our unit on motion. 

Thielk History: We have been busy learning all about some of the famous people who lived in Ancient Rome. We will continue our learning of Rome next week. 

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have made corrections to our Chapter 4 Vocabulary quiz and test. We will have our Chapter 5 test before we go on Thanksgiving break. Please keep practicing multiplication facts as they come in handy for division too.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


November 14

Hot Lunch Money due

November 15

All missing work due

November 16

Skate City Field Trip

November 17

End of Trimester 1

November 20-24

Thanksgiving Break


Friday, November 3, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

It has been a very exciting week as we got to have a helicopter come to our school and talk to us about making smart and healthy choices as we get older. We can’t wait for the excitement in the next couple of weeks of learning before the trimester ends and we have Thanksgiving Break.


All Work due by end of Trimester

The end of our first trimester is looming!  The final day of trimester 1 is Friday, November 17. Please make sure all missing work is turned in by Wednesday, November 15. Please reach out to that subject level teacher with any questions or concerns for missing work. If you have received an email from Infinite Campus about a missing assignment, please remind your child to visit with her/his teacher to get the work.  If work is a week overdue, please understand that it will be marked as a 0 unless it was due to an absence.  Please check the AA policies if you need to further understand our Late Work and Absentee Work policy.


Report Cards for T1

Grade reports will be available online beginning Friday, December 1.  There will be no physical/paper report cards sent home with your child, so please contact us if you are unable to access Infinite Campus.


Field Trip to Skate City

We are excited to announce that third grade has an upcoming field trip on November 16th to Skate City. Students will be enhancing their learning of forces and motion through a STEM unit on motion and skate design.  Stay tuned for an email to come this week with links to sign up.

2324 MB - Ms. Strobel's Class

Strobel Hot Lunch:


2324 MB - Ms. Shaw's Class

 Shaw Hot Lunch: 


2324 MB - Ms. Thielk's Class

 Thielk Hot Lunch: 


2324 MB - Ms. Newman's Class

Newman Hot Lunch:



Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on.

3rd Grade Math: We will be wrapping up Chapter 2 shortly and moving into Chapter 3: Multiplication Facts and Strategies.  Please make sure your student is practicing their multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Newman/Pumphrey/Strobel Literacy: Most literacy classes have begun working on Unit 2: Animal Classification.  Students will be animal researchers and learn about classifying animals of all kinds through literature. This unit does contain spelling homework, so keep an eye out for spelling words coming home intermittently throughout the unit, as well as, other at home activities.

Shaw Science: We have just begun our unit on motion. This week we created flip books to demonstrate the concepts, frame of reference and position. Next week we will learn about speed and direction.

Thielk History: We have been busy learning all about the Roman Republic this week and the social class structure. We will continue this learning next week and talk about some important people in Ancient Roman times.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have taken our vocabulary quiz over Chapter 4 and will have our test next week on Tuesday. Then we will be starting our learning about Division Strategies. Please keep practicing multiplication facts as they come in handy for division too.


Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Strobel

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


November 14

Hot Lunch Money due

November 15

All missing work due

November 16

Skate City Field Trip

November 17

End of Trimester 1

November 20-24

Thanksgiving Break


Friday, October 27, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

It has been a great week hearing all of the fun adventures your students went on during fall break.  The next few weeks are going to fly by as we finish up the trimester.  


Upcoming changes

As you may already know, Ms. Granger has made the difficult decision to resign in order to focus on and care for her family. We are all very sad to see her go and wish her all the best.  Ms. Kari Strobel, our current elementary Art Instructor, will be moving into the Third-Grade position.  Ms. Strobel is beyond excited to return to her love and knowledge of teaching in the general classroom. She has taught for many years and has a master’s degree in literacy education. 


Wear a fall-themed on Tuesday

Students may wear fall themed clothing on Tuesday, October 31st.  It must be fall themed or regular uniform attire must be worn. Make sure that your student follows the below guidelines:

  • No colored hair dyes
  • No pajamas
  • No offensive words or language in graphics
  • No open-shoulder tops (tank tops or spaghetti straps); shoulders must be covered.
  • No crop tops
  • No deep V-neck shirts
  • No short shorts
  • No short skirts
  • No heels (including wedges)
  • No open-toed shoes, sandals, flip-flops, or Crocs
  • No holes in clothing
  • Tops must cover leggings

If leggings are worn as pants, a sweatshirt or shirt needs to completely cover the student’s bottom. As a student moves throughout the day, their bottom still needs to be covered- please make sure your child’s sweatshirt or shirt doesn’t need to be pulled down constantly. Our policy states tops should be fingertip length. 


Class Photos on Wednesday

Students will be taking their class photos on Wednesday, November 1st.  Please send your students to school in uniform (no dress of choice passes) with their biggest smile.


Field Trip to Skate City

We are excited to announce that third grade has an upcoming field trip on November 16th to Skate City. Students will be enhancing their learning of forces and motion through a STEM unit on motion and skate design.  Stay tuned for an email to come this week with links to sign up.


Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

3rd Grade Math: We will be wrapping up Chapter 2 shortly and moving into Chapter 3: Multiplication Facts and Strategies.  Please make sure your student is practicing their multiplication facts at home. Flash cards are a great way to practice.

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: In the weeks to come, literacy classes will be working on our next unit: Animal Classification.  Students will become animal researchers and learn the about animals of all kinds through literature. This unit does contain spelling homework, so keep an eye out for spelling words coming home intermittently throughout the unit.

Shaw Science: We learned all about different types of contact forces. Students experimented with sliding objects on a variety of different surfaces and observing how motion was affected by the force of friction. Next week we will learn about forces that act from a distance, such as static and magnetism and wrap up our unit. 

Thielk History: We have started our new unit on Ancient Rome. This unit is one of our longest so we will be talking about Rome for a while, there is so much for us to learn and understand the importance of this time.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have been very busy learning about multi-digit multiplication. We are going to be continuing our learning of multi-digit multiplication, so please make sure students are still practicing their multiplication facts. 



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


October 31

Fall themed attire

November 1

Class pictures

November 20-24

Thanksgiving Break



Friday, October 6, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have been busy working and moving along in our units with our learning. We look forward to next week and meeting you all again at our fall conferences. Fall break is just around the corner as well!



We are having math conferences for Trimester 1. The links to sign-ups have closed, so if you did not get a chance to sign up for a conference with your child’s math teacher, please email that teacher to see what availability they have. We look forward to seeing you there and discussing your child’s progress with you.


Email Responses

We just wanted to let you know that as teachers we have 48 business hours to respond to emails. We try our best to get to these as soon as possible but sometimes the day gets away from us when we are teaching. We also cannot always respond right away as well depending on the time the email arrives to us.


Fall Fundraiser

This fundraiser has been extended until October 8th.  The school is almost to our goal of $50,000. Please make sure your student is logging their acts of kindness, we are close to getting Ninja Nation as well, so make sure you sign the waiver for that for your child to participate. 

Ninja Nation waiver link Ninja Nation waiver  


Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    


🎭 🌟 Exciting News: Anastasia Auditions Are Here! 🌟 🎭


Dear AAPA Students and Parents,


We are delighted to announce the auditions for our highly anticipated spring production, the enchanting musical Anastasia! This is your chance to shine on stage and be part of a magical experience.


Audition Details: Signup will go live on Saturday, October 7, at 2 p.m. (you can find the link on the school store). Auditions will be conducted via video submission between 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 7, to noon on Saturday, November 11. We invite all interested students to participate and showcase their acting, singing, and dancing skills. To ensure a seamless audition process, please follow the simple steps outlined on our performing arts page: Anastasia Audition Guidelines.


If you have any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out. You can email Mr. Richardson at [email protected]. We are here to support you every step of the way.


Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on activating our brains. This is thinking about how we treat our brain and ways we can use it to become a better student. We are also continuing to work on self-control.

3rd Grade Math: We will be wrapping up Chapter 1 shortly and moving into Chapter 2: Understand Multiplication.  Please continue to work with your student to make sure they are practicing addition and subtraction at home, specifically, subtraction with regrouping (borrowing). We are also beginning to work on multiplication facts, so please practice at home. Flash cards are a great way of getting the kids to start memorizing their facts. 

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: In the weeks to come, literacy classes will move into our next unit: Classification of Animals. Classes are continuing to work through our first unit: Classic Tales. We’ve been reading The Wind in the Willows and abridged versions of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp and Alice in Wonderland. We will also be reviewing the writing process, writing opinion pieces, and working on cursive. 

Shaw Science: We learned all about different types of contact forces. Students experimented with sliding objects on a variety of different surfaces and observing how motion was affected by the force of friction. Next week we will learn about forces that act from a distance, such as static and magnetism and wrap up our unit. 

Thielk History: We are almost done with our unit over Canada. Before we leave for fall break students will be taking their end of unit test and a virtual field trip to Canada.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have been very busy learning about multiplication in class this week. We made our vocabulary quiz corrections. We will finish our last two lessons next week and then take our Chapter 3 test before we leave for break on Thursday.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


October 11 and 12


October 13   

No School

October 16 - 20

Fall Break


Friday, September 29, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have had an amazing week this week. We have been busy working and learning in our classes and having fun as well. We hope you all enjoy your weekend and have lots of amazing family time scheduled.



We are having math conferences for Trimester 1. Please ONLY sign up for one conference time. 

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw 

Ms. Thielk 


Email Responses

We just wanted to let you know that as teachers we have 48 business hours to respond to emails. We try our best to get to these as soon as possible but sometimes the day gets away from us when we are teaching. We also cannot always respond right away as well depending on the time the email arrives to us.


Fall Fundraiser

We had a great kickoff to the fall fundraiser last week, however we need you all to help your students log their acts of kindness and to help raise money for the school THere are a lot of fun prizes the students can earn throughout this time as well. If each class meets their goals then the students will be able to do the Ninja Nation course again this year! This goes until October 6th here is the link to the sign up as well.  


Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    


Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on activating our brains. This is thinking about how we treat our brain and ways we can use it to become a better student. We also worked on our self-control.

3rd Grade Math: We will be moving into Chapter 1: Addition and Subtraction Strategies.  Please work with your student to make sure they are practicing addition and subtraction at home, specifically, subtraction with regrouping (borrowing). We are also beginning to work on multiplication facts, so please practice at home. Flash cards are a great way of getting the kids to start memorizing their facts. 

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: We are continuing to work through our first unit: Class Tales. Over the next couple of weeks, we are reading The Wind in the Willows and diving into bits of other classics like Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp and Alice in Wonderland. We will also be reviewing the writing process, writing opinion pieces, and working on cursive.

Shaw Science: Students have been so engaged in learning how the strength and direction of a force can change the motion of an object. Next week we will begin exploring balanced and unbalanced forces.

Thielk History: We have started our learning on Canada this week. We have labeled a map and learned all about the Canadian Flag. We also took our vocabulary quiz and will make corrections next week.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have been very busy learning about multiplication in class this week. We took our vocabulary quiz and spent more time going over lesson 3.2 as well. We will continue to work in chapter 3 next week as well.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


October 11 and 12


October 13   

No School

October 16 - 20

Fall Break

Friday, September 22, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have had an amazing week this week. We have been busy working and learning in our classes and having fun as well. We hope you all enjoy your three day weekend and have lots of amazing family time scheduled.


Fall Fundraiser

We had a great kickoff to the fall fundraiser last week, however we need you all to help your students log their acts of kindness and to help raise money for the school THere are a lot of fun prizes the students can earn throughout this time as well. If each class meets their goals then the students will be able to do the Ninja Nation course again this year! This goes until October 6th here is the link to the sign up as well.  


Classroom Volunteers/Signups

Please sign up to help out in your student’s classroom throughout the year. We also love having students come in and spend time with us over lunch as well.

Bulletin Boards: 


Lunch Bunch:


Email Responses

We just wanted to let you know that as teachers we have 48 business hours to respond to emails. We try our best to get to these as soon as possible but sometimes the day gets away from us when we are teaching. We also cannot always respond right away as well depending on the time the email arrives to us.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    


Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on activating our brains. This is thinking about how we treat our brain and ways we can use it to become a better student. We also worked on our self-control.

3rd Grade Math: We will be moving into Chapter 1: Addition and Subtraction Strategies.  Please work with your student to make sure they are practicing addition and subtraction at home, specifically, subtraction with regrouping (borrowing). We are also beginning to work on multiplication facts, so please practice at home. Flash cards are a great way of getting the kids to start memorizing their facts. 

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: We are continuing to work through our first unit: Class Tales. Over the next couple of weeks, we are reading The Wind in the Willows and diving into bits of other classics like Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp and Alice in Wonderland. We will also be reviewing the writing process, writing opinion pieces, and working on cursive.

Shaw Science: We have finished our unit on the engineering design process and will begin our new unit on Forces.  

Thielk History: We will present our river posters next week and students will share all the information they learned on their rivers to each other. We will also start our next unit which is all about Canada.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have finished Chapter 2 in our books and have taken the test and made corrections. We will start with Chapter 3 lessons beginning next week.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk



Upcoming Events     


October 11 and 12


October 13   

No School

October 16 - 20

Fall Break


Friday, September 15, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have had a great week this week. We are excited that our fall fundraiser is starting. Have a great weekend.


PE Volunteers needed

Please use this link to help sign-up to volunteer in PE.


SchoolHero and Weekly Coupons

Your students are receiving points daily from their teachers and starting next week, they will get to spend their points to buy things to use within the classroom. They will keep track of their “deposits” and “withdrawals” on a log similar to a check register and will keep this in their red homework folder.  Please do not remove it. 



Since we are in the process of starting to learn content in all subject areas homework will be starting to come home. Please make sure your child is the one writing and completing their homework.  You can check it and go over it with them after they have completed the work. It is important for them to do the work as it helps us teach and know what students have learned and if they need more practice or help on a concept.


Cell Phones/SmartWatches

Make sure if your student brings a cell phone or SmartWatch to school for communication to let them know they must be powered off and in their backpack from 7:35 - 3:35.



Make sure to send your students with two snacks each day.  We have snacks in the morning as well as in the afternoon. Please make sure these snacks do not contain any kind of nuts, including Nutella.  We have multiple life threatening nut allergies in the grade and want to keep our students safe.  


We are responsible third graders and keep track of assignments with planners

We will be using daily planners in each of our classes this year.  Your child puts important information into their own planner each day during class.  If you are interested in what he/she worked on each day, or what homework might be due, please ask your child to see the planner pages for this week.  There shouldn't be any blank boxes in the planner after this week, so if you see some, ask your third grader what should have been put in the box.



Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on having a positive attitude and growth mindset as well as utilizing self-control.

3rd Grade Math: We will be moving into Chapter 1: Addition and Subtraction Strategies.  Please work with your student to make sure they are practicing addition and subtraction at home, specifically, subtraction with regrouping (borrowing). We are also beginning to work on multiplication facts, so please practice at home. Flash cards are a great way of getting the kids to start memorizing their facts. 

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: We are continuing to work through our first unit: Class Tales. Over the next couple of weeks, we are reading The Wind in the Willows and diving into bits of other classics like Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp and Alice in Wonderland. We will also be reviewing the writing process, opinion writing, and working on cursive.

Shaw Science: This week we are nearing the end of our engineering design process for our irrigation system prototype. Next week we will have a quiz on the engineering design process. Then we will begin learning  how to test and improve a solution.  

Thielk History: We have completed our Balloon Globe Projects this week and learned all about the US Constitution. Next week we will have a worksheet to do to earn half points back on our project. Then we will start our next unit World Rivers. Students will work in groups and be assigned two rivers on the same continent to learn and teach to their classmates.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We are almost finished with Chapter 2 in our books. We have one more lesson to go. We will be taking our test on Wednesday next week all about addition and subtraction. Then we will go into Chapter 3, “Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers”.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk




Upcoming Events     


September 22

Teacher Work Day – No School

October 11 and 12


October 13   

No School

October 16 - 20

Fall Break


Friday, September 8, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

It was so great to see so many of you at Back to School night on Thursday.  We enjoyed getting to share all of the exciting things we will be doing in third grade this year. You can view our presentation in the link at the top of this page.


PE Volunteers needed

Please use this link to help sign-up to volunteer in PE.


SchoolHero and Weekly Coupons

Your students are receiving points daily from their teachers and starting next week, they will get to spend their points to buy things to use within the classroom. They will keep track of their “deposits” and “withdrawals” on a log similar to a check register and will keep this in their red homework folder.  Please do not remove it. 



Since we are in the process of starting to learn content in all subject areas homework will be starting to come home. Please make sure your child is the one writing and completing their homework.  You can check it and go over it with them after they have completed the work. It is important for them to do the work as it helps us teach and know what students have learned and if they need more practice or help on a concept.


Cell Phones/SmartWatches

Make sure if your student brings a cell phone or SmartWatch to school for communication to let them know they must be powered off and in their backpack from 7:35 - 3:35.



Make sure to send your students with two snacks each day.  We have snacks in the morning as well as in the afternoon. Please make sure these snacks do not contain any kind of nuts, including Nutella.  We have multiple life threatening nut allergies in the grade and want to keep our students safe.  


We are responsible third graders and keep track of assignments with planners

We will be using daily planners in each of our classes this year.  Your child puts important information into their own planner each day during class.  If you are interested in what he/she worked on each day, or what homework might be due, please ask your child to see the planner pages for this week.  There shouldn't be any blank boxes in the planner after this week, so if you see some, ask your third grader what should have been put in the box.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on having a positive attitude and growth mindset as well as utilizing self-control.

3rd Grade Math: Students are continuing to learn about naming lines, identifying angles, and various types of quadrilaterals and triangles.

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: We are continuing to work through our first unit: Class Tales. Over the next couple of weeks, we are reading The Wind in the Willows and diving into bits of other classics like Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp and Alice in Wonderland. We will also be reviewing the writing process. 

Shaw Science: We explored real-world examples of new and old technology and the needs that they fulfill. We did a hands-on exploration in which students found everyday, human-made objects around the classroom and described the needs the objects met. Students worked hard to understand the meaning of criteria and constraints when solving an engineering problem. They collaborated in small groups to select supplies needed to take on a backpacking trip while taking into consideration different constraints such as weight and budget.

Thielk History: We have learned about US geography and looking at state shapes. We have also started our end of unit project where students will be showing what they have learned about the world. They are labeling a balloon with the continents and oceans and being able to follow directions.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have finished our first chapter, students did a good job on their first test as well. We will be doing corrections next week and starting chapter 2 all about addition and subtraction.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk




Upcoming Events     


September 22

Teacher Work Day – No School

October 11 and 12


October 13   

No School

October 16 - 20

Fall Break




Friday, September 1, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

We have had a great week this week. We have finished all of our testing and are excited to be teaching content to students to see how they learn and grow. We hope you all also enjoy the long weekend as well.


PE Volunteers needed

Please use this link to help sign-up to volunteer in PE.



Since we are in the process of starting to learn content in all subject areas homework will be starting to come home. Please make sure your child is the one writing and completing their homework.  You can check it and go over it with them after they have completed the work. It is important for them to do the work as it helps us teach and know what students have learned and if they need more practice or help on a concept.


Back to School Night

We will be sharing a PowerPoint presentation with you on Thursday, September 7, to give you some insight on what is going on in third grade, including walking through their daily schedule so you get to meet each teacher.  Watch for further details.


Cell Phones/SmartWatches

Make sure if your student brings a cell phone or SmartWatch to school for communication to let them know they must be powered off and in their backpack from 7:35 - 3:35.



Make sure to send your students with two snacks each day.  We have snacks in the morning as well as in the afternoon. Please make sure these snacks do not contain any kind of nuts, including Nutella.  We have multiple life threatening nut allergies in the grade and want to keep our students safe.  



We will be utilizing SchoolHero this year to reward and remind kids about behavior choices.  Each week your child will be given a paycheck with the prior week's earnings, and be able to purchase reward certificates throughout the year.  Next week, we will be determining what the rewards will be, so ask your child what he/she is most excited about saving Hero points to buy!


PG Movie permission forms

If you have not turned in your PG permission form yet, please be sure to get that to your child's homeroom teacher so we can determine who is allowed to watch PG movies.  This half-page form was provided during Open House, so, if you don't have the form or don't remember if you turned it in, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to get another copy.


We are responsible third graders and keep track of assignments with planners

We will be using daily planners in each of our classes this year.  Your child puts important information into their own planner each day during class.  If you are interested in what he/she worked on each day, or what homework might be due, please ask your child to see the planner pages for this week.  There shouldn't be any blank boxes in the planner after this week, so if you see some, ask your third grader what should have been put in the box.


Daily schedules

In third grade, the students rotate between the different classrooms for math, literacy, science, and history, as well as specials.  So your child will have classes with at least three of the third grade teachers, and possibly all four of us.  Your child's daily schedule is attached to the back cover of their planner if you are interested in seeing what classes he/she goes to each day.  


Important student uniform reminders

  • Students MUST wear approved Dennis/Tommy Hilfiger Uniform shorts, pants, and tops.


  • Elementary Students MUST wear (Monday – Thursday) an American Academy Dennis sweatshirt if they want to wear a sweatshirt in their classroom.


  • Middle School Students are allowed to wear any American Academy sweatshirt throughout the week. The sweatshirt MUST be from Dennis/Tommy Hilfiger, the spirit wear store, or a school sanctioned trip that the host company sells a sweatshirt for (i.e. Nature Bridge).


  • Students MUST bring a change of shoes to wear throughout the day when they enter the building in snow boots.  Students will be asked to call home if they do not have a change of shoes.


  • Students are NOT allowed to wear long-sleeved undershirts under their American Academy short-sleeved uniform shirt.

  • On dress-of-choice days, students MUST follow the guidelines of the uniform policy. Students cannot wear tank tops or any shirt that does not cover the shoulders. Students CANNOT wear jeans with holes of any sort (even ones with material behind them) and shorts/skirts MUST extend past their fingertips.

  • On dress-of-choice days, students who choose to wear leggings MUST have shirts that are the length of their fingertips when their arms are placed down at their side.

  • Students are NOT allowed to wear smart watches, including Fit Bit, Gizmo, Apple, Garmin, etc.

  • Students are NOT allowed to wear shoes that light up.

  • Students CANNOT have any colored hair dye in their hair. We understand that some sports teams have their players color their hair to rally for a big game; please be sure to have this dye washed out by the next school day.

  • MAKE-UP: Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade girls may wear lightly-applied mascara (brown or black), blush (pale neutral or pale pink), and lip-gloss (clear or pale pink).


Students who arrive at school outside of uniform will be asked to call home for the appropriate attire.


Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mr. Richardson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mrs. Strobel    


American Academy 3rd-grade families, are you ready to embark on a journey of creativity, self-expression, and pure joy? Look no further than American Academy Performing Arts! Whether you have a passion for singing, dancing, acting, or all of the above, our vibrant and dynamic programs have something for everyone. It's time to embrace your inner performer and let your talents shine.


💃 Intermediate Musical Theater Dance: Move to the Rhythm of Your Heart 💃

Do your feet start tapping when you hear music? Our Dance Program offers a variety of styles, ensuring there's something to suit every dancer's passion. Get ready to groove, express yourself through movement, and become the dancer you've always wanted to be. You can sign up for Intermediate Musical Theater Dance on the school store. (Grades 2+)


🎭 Rebel Drama: Unleash Your Acting Prowess 🎭

Lights, camera, action! Our Drama Program is where budding actors and actresses come to life. Learn the art of stagecraft, character development, and improvisation. Join us and bring your favorite stories to life through the magic of theater. Learn more and sign up for Rebel Drama on the school store. (Grades K+)


🎶 Rebel Choir: Harmonize with Passion 🎶

Experience the joy of singing harmoniously with others in our Rebel Choir Program. Discover the beauty of choral music and the power of collective voices. Join our Rebel Choir, and you'll find your voice and make lifelong friends in the process. (Grades K+)


🎄A Christmas Carol: The Musical" We are excited about our fall musical, A Christmas Carol. Auditions are September 7, 2023. Sign up today! (Grades K+) 🎄


Head over to our school store and reserve your spot today! Don't hesitate to contact our AAPA manager, Jeremi Richardson, at [email protected] with any questions.

Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on learning the character traits and manners through role playing.  We also spent time getting to know classmates.  Next week, we will begin working on executive functioning skills.

3rd Grade Math: We have finished the beginning of the year testing and have been working through our chapter on Geometry.  Students will be learning about naming lines, identifying angles, and various types of quadrilaterals and triangles.

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: We have completed the beginning of the year testing and are working on our first unit: Class Tales. Over the next couple of weeks, we are reading The Wind in the Willows and diving into bits of other classics like Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp and Alice in Wonderland. We will also be reviewing the writing process. 

Shaw Science: We have completed our beginning of year test. This week we will define engineering problems and problem solve to design irrigation plans to keep plants watered during a two-week school break through hands-on exploration. 

Thielk History: We have taken our vocabulary quiz and the students all did an excellent job on their first quiz in history. We learned all about the features of maps this week and next week we will be going into United States geography and state shapes. 

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have started our first chapter on place value of numbers. On Monday we will be taking our vocabulary quiz. We will also finish this chapter next week and take the chapter test as well.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk




Upcoming Events     


September 4

Labor Day – No School

September 7

Back to School Night

September 22

Teacher Work Day – No School

October 11 and 12



Friday, August 25, 2023


Dear Third Grade Families,

Welcome back!  We have had a great week to kick off the year as the kids seem very excited to get to work.  So far they have been a great bunch to get to know, and we are excited to see what we can accomplish with them this year.  This is the first newsletter of our weekly offering (every other week starting January) where we will be giving you important information from the past week as well as the weeks to come. 


What we did this week

We had a great week and are so excited for how amazing this year will be, for your child as well as the teachers.  We introduced the class schedules and began rotating to classes on Tuesday. Speak with your student to find out all of the things they learned this week, and ask them what they think about getting to visit all the classrooms.


Back to School Night

We will be sharing a PowerPoint presentation with you on Thursday, September 7, to give you some insight on what is going on in third grade, including walking through their daily schedule so you get to meet each teacher.  Watch for further details.


Cell Phones/SmartWatches

Make sure if your student brings a cell phone or SmartWatch to school for communication to let them know they must be powered off and in their backpack from 7:35 - 3:35.



Make sure to send your students with two snacks each day.  We do snack in the morning as well as in the afternoon. Please make sure these snacks do not contain any kind of nuts, including Nutella.  We have multiple life threatening nut allergies in the grade and want to keep our students safe.  



We will be utilizing SchoolHero this year to reward and remind kids about behavior choices.  Each week your child will be given a paycheck with the prior week's earnings, and be able to purchase reward certificates throughout the year.  Next week, we will be determining what the rewards will be, so ask your child what he/she is most excited about saving Hero points to buy!


PG Movie permission forms

If you have not turned in your PG permission form yet, please be sure to get that to your child's homeroom teacher so we can determine who is allowed to watch PG movies.  This half-page form was provided during Open House, so, if you don't have the form or don't remember if you turned it in, please contact your child's homeroom teacher to get another copy.


We are responsible third graders and keep track of assignments with planners

We will be using daily planners in each of our classes this year.  Your child puts important information into their own planner each day during class.  If you are interested in what he/she worked on each day, or what homework might be due, please ask your child to see the planner pages for this week.  There shouldn't be any blank boxes in the planner after this week, so if you see some, ask your third grader what should have been put in the box.


Daily schedules

In third grade, the students rotate between the different classrooms for math, literacy, science, and history, as well as specials.  So your child will have classes with at least three of the third grade teachers, and possibly all four of us.  Your child's daily schedule is attached to the back cover of their planner if you are interested in seeing what classes he/she goes to each day.  


Important student uniform reminders

  • Students MUST wear approved Dennis/Tommy Hilfiger Uniform shorts, pants, and tops.


  • Elementary Students MUST wear (Monday – Thursday) an American Academy Dennis sweatshirt if they want to wear a sweatshirt in their classroom.


  • Middle School Students are allowed to wear any American Academy sweatshirt throughout the week. The sweatshirt MUST be from Dennis/Tommy Hilfiger, the spirit wear store, or a school sanctioned trip that the host company sells a sweatshirt for (i.e. Nature Bridge).


  • Students MUST bring a change of shoes to wear throughout the day when they enter the building in snow boots.  Students will be asked to call home if they do not have a change of shoes.


  • Students are NOT allowed to wear long-sleeved undershirts under their American Academy short-sleeved uniform shirt.

  • On dress-of-choice days, students MUST follow the guidelines of the uniform policy. Students cannot wear tank tops or any shirt that does not cover the shoulders. Students CANNOT wear jeans with holes of any sort (even ones with material behind them) and shorts/skirts MUST extend past their fingertips.

  • On dress-of-choice days, students who choose to wear leggings MUST have shirts that are the length of their fingertips when their arms are placed down at their side.

  • Students are NOT allowed to wear smart watches, including Fit Bit, Gizmo, Apple, Garmin, etc.

  • Students are NOT allowed to wear shoes that light up.

  • Students CANNOT have any colored hair dye in their hair. We understand that some sports teams have their players color their hair to rally for a big game; please be sure to have this dye washed out by the next school day.

  • MAKE-UP: Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade girls may wear lightly-applied mascara (brown or black), blush (pale neutral or pale pink), and lip-gloss (clear or pale pink).


Students who arrive at school outside of uniform will be asked to call home for the appropriate attire.




Specials Information

MB Elementary Music News | Mrs. Nelson

MB Elementary PE News | Ms. Bauer

MB Elementary Tech News | Mrs. Brown

MB Elementary Art News | Mr. See    


American Academy 3rd-grade families, are you ready to embark on a journey of creativity, self-expression, and pure joy? Look no further than American Academy Performing Arts! Whether you have a passion for singing, dancing, acting, or all of the above, our vibrant and dynamic programs have something for everyone. It's time to embrace your inner performer and let your talents shine.


💃 Intermediate Musical Theater Dance: Move to the Rhythm of Your Heart 💃

Do your feet start tapping when you hear music? Our Dance Program offers a variety of styles, ensuring there's something to suit every dancer's passion. Get ready to groove, express yourself through movement, and become the dancer you've always wanted to be. You can sign up for Intermediate Musical Theater Dance on the school store. (Grades 2+)


🎭 Rebel Drama: Unleash Your Acting Prowess 🎭

Lights, camera, action! Our Drama Program is where budding actors and actresses come to life. Learn the art of stagecraft, character development, and improvisation. Join us and bring your favorite stories to life through the magic of theater. Learn more and sign up for Rebel Drama on the school store. (Grades K+)


🎶 Rebel Choir: Harmonize with Passion 🎶

Experience the joy of singing harmoniously with others in our Rebel Choir Program. Discover the beauty of choral music and the power of collective voices. Join our Rebel Choir, and you'll find your voice and make lifelong friends in the process. (Grades K+)


🎄A Christmas Carol: The Musical" We are excited about our fall musical, A Christmas Carol. Auditions are September 7, 2023. Sign up today! (Grades K+) 🎄


Head over to our school store and reserve your spot today! Don't hesitate to contact our AAPA manager, Jeremi Richardson, at [email protected] with any questions.



Weekly Plans

Below you will find what each teacher/subject is focusing on. 

Responsive Classroom: During Responsive Classroom this week, we focused on learning the character traits and manners through role playing.  We also spent time getting to know classmates.  Next week, we will begin working on executive functioning skills.

Math: We spent the week working on the beginning of the year math i-Ready diagnostic to get a gauge where the kids skills were compared to Third Grade standards.  This test was not taken for a grade, but is used to understand a starting point for our math knowledge.

Granger/Newman/Pumphrey Literacy: We have enjoyed spending the week getting to know the students.  This week, we have been working on the beginning of the year testing.  Next week, we will finish our beginning of the year testing, and we will be starting our first literacy unit, Classic Tales: The Wind in the Willows.

Shaw Science: We learned all about safety practices in the lab and in the field and then completed a quiz as a class. We also learned different safety symbols that will show up in our Hands-On Activities throughout the year. We will now begin our first unit on engineering processes. I have asked students to bring in any cardboard tubes (paper towel/toilet paper) to use for an upcoming activity.

Thielk History: We began learning about World Geography. We have learned our vocabulary words and will be having our first vocabulary quiz next week on Friday. Do not stress as we will be working on it together in class. We also will start learning features of maps in detail as well.

Thielk Accelerated Math: We have finished our iReady math testing this week. Next week we will have two more tests before we start our first chapter in the 4th grade book! Our first chapter will be over Whole Number Place Value.



Your Third Grade Team,

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk




Upcoming Events     


September 4

Labor Day – No School

September 7

Back to School Night

September 22

Teacher Work Day – No School

October 11 and 12










Monday, August 14, 2023

Hello Third Grader!

We hope everyone had an amazing and fun-filled summer and you are now soooooo excited to come back to school, because we are ecstatic to see you all.

You are in your last week of fun in the sun before school starts, so we hope you get everything done that you planned for your summer.  Be sure to remember all the amazing details as we will be sharing our most fantastic summer activities when we get back to school.

Our first day of school for this year will be next Monday, August 21, but we will get to see you and meet you before then.  We have our open house this Thursday, August 17.  This is where you get to bring in all your new school supplies and drop them off and say “hi” to your new teachers, and see what new and old friends are in your class this year. 

So, your first official “assignment” of third grade is to stop by and say ‘hi’ and drop off your supplies sometime between 4:30 and 6:00 pm on Thursday. That’s all you have to do on Thursday since we will be unpacking our supplies and putting them up on Monday during school.

If you haven’t gotten your school supplies yet, you can get the list on the AA website, under Quicklinks/Parents/School Supplies.

We are going to have a great year in third grade, so we can’t wait to get started.  If you have any questions that can’t wait until Thursday, please feel free to send your homeroom teacher an email, as we love to hear from our kids and their parents.  

See you soon,

Your Third Grade Team:

Ms. Granger

Ms. Newman

Ms. Pumphrey

Ms. Shaw

Ms. Thielk