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Elementary (K-5) Tech News

Updated 1/15/25

Welcome to Technology!


My name is Ms. Brown and I'm the Elementary Technology Teacher at American Academy, Motsenbocker Campus. I am so excited to be teaching Technology this year! I truly love what I do! My goal is to set-up our students for success by giving them a well-rounded education in technology. Most of my class is centered on skill building followed by project-based learning and I strive to make my content engaging, relevant and fun!


Course Overview


In each grade they will learn tech skills that build on what they learned from the previous year, so that when they leave me in 5th grade they will be very proficient in a myriad of technology skills.


Students will learn skills in keyboarding, word processing, digital citizenship, cyber safety, presentation software, graphics, coding, web navigation, file management and much more.

Looking for volunteer hours, Mrs Brown could use your assistance - check it out:
2-5 Grades: 50% of a student's grade is based on engagement, which includes behavior and participation in class. Just for working in class they earn 48/50 points each rotation. Students can lose points by talking during instruction, disrupting the learning of others, or not following directions. Students can earn points by demonstrating American Academy Manners and Character Traits in class. 
50% of a student's grade is based on how they do on individual assignments, projects and assessments.
K-1 Grades: Students will receive: + (excellent), v (proficient), or - (not proficient) grading marks instead of points. Grading categories include Engagement which is based on behavior and participation in class; as well as Assignments, Assessments, Projects, & Skills.
Rotation 5 - 1/13/25 - 2/21/25
Kindergarten: Our fifth week in the lab we will create lines and shapes and use graphics software to create Farms and Animal pictures. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
1st Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will create lines and shapes and use graphics software to demonstrate animal habitats. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
2nd Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will create a Google Slides presentation about Ladybugs using National Geographic Kids website. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
3rd Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will review spreadsheets in Students will then survey their classmates' favorite planet and create a Planet Survey Google Sheet table and chart. We will also start creating a presentation in Google Slides researching the different planets on the National Geographic Kids website. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will use Google Docs to create a Colorado History brochure. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will continue our TechnoEntrepreneur unit where students use a variety of Google Workspace apps to assist them in creating a restaurant. This week students will use Google Sheets formulas to track business earnings. We will continue using for typing practice.
Winter Conferences: Ms. Brown will unfortunately be out of town on Wednesday January 29th and Thursday January 30th. If you would like to meet me with me please email me at [email protected] and we can schedule a different time when I am back in town.