Unit 2 - Rhythm Basics
During this unit, students will start and complete a GIA Music Assessment. This assessment will give a base to how your student can recognize different sounds. They will take another assessment at the end of the year to see how they've progressed! After they finish their assessment, students will learn about tempo and the names of different tempos. They will also learn new songs such as "Apple Tree." To aid in their learning of new songs, we will be working with drums and students will be able to identify different notes such as "Quarter Note," "8th Note," and "Quarter Rest." We will also work on listening to skills with freeze dance!
In this unit, students will review notes such as “Quarter Note,” “8th Note,” “Whole Note,” “Dotted Half Note,” and “Half Note.” Students will determine how to identify and play each note. They will play different rhythms and create their own rhythms! Your student(s) will also be learning how to sing “Yellow Submarine” testing their group singing skills and ability to keep a steady beat.
Want to get involved? Have your student teach you how to sing “Yellow Submarine.” See if they can tell you the difference between a ‘chorus’ and a ‘verse.’