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About Ms. Meiborg

Education:  Education, B.A., Northern Illinois University
Home Town:  Malta, IL
Hobbies:  Hiking, cooking, gardening, crafting, organizing, and watching movies
Family:  A wonderful husband and two silly bulldogs
Classroom wishes: Colored Flair pens, colorful sticky notes, Amazon gift card, Teacher Pay Teacher gift card
Coffee/tea: Peach Green Tea Lemonade
Snack: Popcorn, pumpkin seeds, fruit

Night out restaurant: Hacienda Colorado, Maggiano's, Mt. Fuji
Lunch restaurant: Chipotle, Panera, Kneaders, Noodles and Co.
Place to shop: Target, Amazon, Home Goods, Hobby Lobby
Clothing store/style: Maurices, LOFT, TJ Maxx
Movies (out or in): Theater
Bookstore: Barnes and Noble and Amazon
Holiday: Halloween and Christmas
Flower: Any and all
Color: Teal, yellow, and grey