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Executive Director of Schools (EDS) Search Update

Hello American Academy Families,

At the Board of Directors (BOD) meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the BOD formalized the process for the hiring of the permanent Executive Director of Schools (EDS). As we have stated before, the BOD is committed to providing opportunities to hear from both our parents and staff. One such opportunity was a survey asking parents and staff to prioritize characteristics you want to see in the next EDS for American Academy, and we were thrilled so many people took the time to provide us with feedback.

As we noted in our letter at the end of November, the EDS job opening was posted in mid-December. We kept the posting open through January 24th . On January 27th , the BOD met and narrowed the candidate pool to begin some initial screenings, which were held on February 12th . Now that we have finalized the process for the remaining candidates, we wanted to share some important dates with you as well as to extend an invitation for you to participate in the Parent Town Hall Panel Discussion (more details below).

Important Dates:
February 22 – Invitations to Parents, Teachers/Staff & Leadership Team for panel discussions
March 7 – Panel sign-ups close
March 8 – Panels randomly selected from volunteers (communications on next steps to be sent out)
March 16 – Questions due from those selected to the 3 Panels
March 25 – Regular Board Meeting
March 27 – Leadership Panel Discussion with Candidates (2:30pm – 4:00pm)
March 27 – Staff Panel Discussion with Candidates (4:30pm – 7:30pm)
March 28 – Interviews with BOD (Executive Session 9am – 1pm)
March 28 – Parent Panel Town Hall (4:30pm – 7:30pm)
April 10 – Name Finalist(s)
April 15 – Final Interview(s)
April 24 – Make Offer

While we hope that this is the final timeline, things could shift slightly due to circumstances beyond
our control. We will ensure any significant changes are communicated as early as possible.

Parent Panel Town Hall Invitation
As noted above, on Friday, March 28th , we will be holding a Parent Town Hall Discussion to allow parents a chance to meet the EDS candidates. We will have 55-minute sessions with each candidate
individually whereby questions previously submitted will be asked of each of the candidates. For parents who would like an opportunity to be a part of the panel asking questions to the candidates, please use the below link to sign up by March 7th . 

Register here for Parent Panel

While we would love to give everyone a chance to ask questions, we must limit the number of active participants due to time constraints and so we will do a random draw to fill the panel on March 8th. That said, we feel that parent involvement is imperative to Charter School operations and so we are inviting all parents to attend the panel discussion. All parents in attendance will also be able to provide feedback to us at the end of the night through a short (anonymous) survey. More details on the location of the panel discussion with be sent in March.

We know this was a lot of information. We thank you for your time and if you have any additional
questions, please do not hesitate to email the BOD at [email protected].

AA Board of Directors
Chris Inman, President
Jodi Losinger, Vice President
Bryan Armstrong, Treasurer
Kay Wan, Secretary
Alison Rausch, Director
Ashley McDonald, Director
Nicole Smith, Director