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Veterans Day Celebration - November 11, 2024

One of our favorite days at American Academy is Veterans Day, because we get to honor and celebrate our veterans. We teach and encourage students to respect and honor all veterans, not just on Veterans Day but every day of the year.

We'd love to invite you and your veteran to join us on Monday, November 11, 2024 at your respective campus for a special assembly and breakfast. Your veteran, student and any other family & friends will be able to join in these wonderful events. Plan to arrive after carpool, between 8:10 am - 8:30 am. The program will start at approximately 8:40 am and then our veterans, guests and their students will proceed to the cafeteria for breakfast.

Veterans eat for FREE and additional, non-veteran guests (spouses, parents, family friends, students), will pay only $5.00 each for breakfast.

Our special gift for veterans again this year is a commemorative t-shirt. In addition, families, students and guests are encouraged to purchase (and wear on Veterans Day) this t-shirt, where part of the proceeds will go towards our free veteran t-shirt. Please provide veteran t-shirt info in the RSVP below, and use this link to purchase additional t-shirts (ORDER WINDOW CLOSED).

RSVP by Clicking HERE! 

Let us know if your Veteran can join us for breakfast
and even if they can't, please rsvp and provide info
for our special "Honoring our Veterans" video.


November 11, 2024
All campuses


Special Assembly: 8:40 AM, Campus gymnasium
Breakfast - 9:10 - 10:00 AM, Campus cafeteria



Veterans - FREE! Breakfast is on us.
Special veteran t-shirt - FREE!
Non-veteran guests (spouses, parents, family friends, student) - $5.00/plate breakfast (CASH ONLY) and t-shirt $24 (part of proceeds going to cover veteran shirt costs).


Respective campus gym and cafeteria