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Ms. McMorrine

Welcome to Mrs. McMorrine's Kindergarten Page



As a reminder, please make sure you read the grade level newsletter first under the newsletter tab for all of our kindergarten news. The class web page is just for any quick info specific to our class. Thank you so much!


Classroom Supplies Still Needed

We are still in need of some classroom supplies to finish out the school year. We need Lysol Wipes, Bounty Paper Towels and Ziplock Gallon Baggies. If you are able to send in any of the items above, we would be very grateful! Thank you so much for your generosity!


Mochi Squishies Still Requested

We LOVE Mochi Squishies in our classroom for class incentives. If you are looking for a fun way to donate to our classroom, we would appreciate Mochi Squishies. We go through A LOT of these each week as they are the most desired incentive in kindie. Thank you!



Have  Great Weekend,

Mrs. McMorrine